A Yankee Soldier's $12 Monthly Pension

My Mother's Great-Granddad served in the Union Army during the Civil War. He was 20 years old when he signed on in May of 1864. I don't find that he saw battle, but do find that Corporal McCormick's unit had "garrison duty" at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas for a few months before being mustered out in Saint Louis, Missouri.(1)  Other records indicate he was 6'2", dark hair, black eyes, and dark complected. This height was passed to many of his grandchildren.

He married, had seven kids on his farm in Illinois. When he was 62 he joined other family who were homesteading in New Mexico Territory. Today I found mention of him in a rural newspaper.(2)  William McCormick and other "old soldiers" had been awarded military pensions. William, now living near the town of Hagerman, got a whopping $12 a month. I've no clue what that sum would be in today's dollars, do you?

A couple of columns over from this article was a cute Mark Twain story. You know, Samuel Clemons was so very popular long ago. Oklahoma's Will Rogers later matched Twain in the public eye. WE NEED A NEW HUMORIST of their quality. 

William died in 1921 at age 75. He didn't live as long as his 90 year old dad. A kind soul shared William's parents' tombstone photo which appears to have been taken after sunset. But what the heck is that gargoyle on top? I've tried to brighten these photos, but failed. Click to see all three in the gallery:

Before I return to reading 100 year old newspapers, here's a brief bit of data on William's ancestors. Thanks for stopping by!


1.   http://www.nps.gov/civilwar/search-battle-units-detail.htm?battleUnitCode=UIL0138RI  

2.     The Spanish American, Feb. 1, 1908, Image 12, newspaper from Roy, Mora County, New Mexico. URL as of July 10, 2014: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92061524/1908-02-01/ed-1/seq-12/#