Blogger v. Wordpress v. Posthaven v. Tumblr? My Head HURTS

I once had a couple of genealogy blogs up on Posterous. It easily took long videos, put photos in a gallery and uploaded quickly. It was a smooth blog service before it shut down in May. I've since played with three other blog hosts, and have decided on this--Posthaven, as it is created/managed by the original Posterous geniuses. Is workable and makes posting media a breeze. This after trying to upload a marriage certificate to Wordpress for 30 minutes this evening, only to be told that function "is currently unavailable." Uh-huh. And apparently you can't upload a photo directly from your hard drive to Blogger, but it has to first be stored on Picasa. And Picasa only allows you a gig of storage before charging fees. 

However I'm happy to pay a minuscule fee to Posthaven for a forever blog. And Tumblr? Whoa, that is so very eye-candy. I really like it, but not for blogging genealogy discoveries. So, welcome to my family history blog. Please feel free to copy and comment. Or just click on "UPVOTE" and I'll know you were here.

5 responses
Blogger and I didn't get along. So many ads. And then Google took over with its broken promises of keeping your name/date/serial # private. With Wordpress I spend as much time figuring out how to upload stuff and have my URLs work correctly as I do preparing a blog entry. I read the posthaven 'guide" page and like the idea of the photo gallery. And post offers much bigger photos than other blogg services. I don't see that you can adjust the colors though. On different browsers I wonder how it would appear. Still, its clean cut and not filled with stuff like Blogger.
The owners of Posthaven seem dedicated towards preserving user generated online content. The same can't be said about most other blogging sites. WordPress is usually very good. You probably encountered a rare glitch (or something went wrong on your end). Imagine how much more your head would hurt if you considered all blogging sites ... there are hundreds of them:
Ever on the fence, I AM envious of several WordPress authors and the extra features they employ. And thanks for that compendium of sites. Sad that OpenDiary's users were given but ten days' notice of its demise.
OpenDiary's case was shocking. Most people may have been using it for free, but many people had put a lot of time and effort into their posts, and now they are lost. It would be like getting free accommodation and then the owner decides to demolish the place before you can move all your stuff out of it. At the very least OpenDiary could have given notice to Archive Team to archive its contents. L-Lists also has a List of Archives of Defunct Websites (with background info on old sites destroyed by their owners e.g. GeoCities):
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