Candidate Ancestral Ties (or "My Reply To Debbie")

          I had a fun exchange of messages with my friend and fellow history buff. Questions were raised about how the media reports on candidates' genealogy. What's that? You didn't know the media looks to uncover everything on a candidate? 

          Other readers may be interested in a couple of presidential candidates' ties to both Oklahoma and Princess Diana. (said with tongue in cheek)  As is typical in big election years, Debbie and I are anxious to see the research that certified genealogists are now compiling on Senators Cruz and Sanders, Secretary Clinton, and the esteemed self-proclaimed impresario, The Donald. Don't you just know that journalists are seeking quotes from former grade school companions, neighbors, and any/all co-workers of candidates in an effort to find a newsworthy story!

          FIRST, President Obama:  In March of 2008 a London paper released the article below claiming Obama is related to Brad Pitt and Hillary Clinton to his partner, Angelina Jolie.

          William Reitwiesner studies celebrity genealogies, and shares this family tree of Barack Obama:

          Findagrave volunteers have shared photos and grave site data on Pres. Obama's ancestors. I love the images of his family! And some of the obits show his Tulsa cousins' names. I'll start with his mom's father, Stanley Dunham's memorial:

          Stanley's father was named after a famous author (much to his embarrassment):

          Ralph's father, Dr. Dunham, has interesting hair:

          Meet West Virginia native, Jacob Dunham, who emigrated in 1889 to Indian Territory long before present-day Oklahoma became a state. He and wife, Louisa, also appear in an 1890 Oklahoma Territory census. They operated restaurants in both Oklahoma City and Okmulgee (south of Tulsa). After Jacob died, his sons opened Dunham Grocery and Billiard Parlor in downtown Okmulgee at 300 North Oklahoma Street. Many of his descendants still live in northeastern Oklahoma. Do you see the family resemblance in his photo?

          No, Obama isn't related to Diana--but his cousin George Bush is. A website called "famous kin" has this on Princess Diana's many relatives:

          Before moving to Oklahoma Territory, Senator John McCain's ancestor lived in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. (Where the Stones cut an album!)

          OKIE FROM MUSKOGEE: A 2008 Oklahoma City paper writes of John McCain's maternal grandpa, Archie Wright. What a colorful character he was!

          No, I didn't find any of his criminal records on Oklahoma's court database, but only Archie's probate case. Perhaps if I were to leave the comfort of my large monitor and drive to Muskogee...

          Archie's daughter is STILL ALIVE at age 104, having had a birthday last February. Amazing! John McCain has great genes. Perhaps it is that Oklahoma connection that added to her longevity?

         I appreciate you stopping by!


 Again. Forgive my clunky URLs. Considerable time spent reading kindergarten-level coding primers has taught me nothing about tendering links into keywords, drat!

4 responses
Cute. And I'm forever bored with how people latch on to some 8th or 10th cousin--five times removed (like dear departed Diana) and think this is something to write home about. I mean, AREN'T WE ALL RELATED afterall?
LOL, agreed. But upon first reading it does give one a chill of sorts. Whenever I see these celebrity kinship connections touted online I wonder why they aren't also making connections to The Manson Gang, John Wilkes Booth, Lee H. Oswald, etc. That would be way more interesting!
Hmmm, gives me ideas. Like the peeps who claim they can trace back to Hezekiah and the ruling classes of Israelites, for crying out loud. We could spend a few evenings with their online gedcoms and find those nefarious relations they excluded from their venerable and UNSOURCED family tree.
Doubt there's much interest any more in the possible link between Ricky Ricardo and Eduardo Rafael Cruz, shucks.