Search Engines

I really enjoy reading old newspapers archived online. Time flies while searching for family--living or dead. But you know what is annoying? Searching for articles or obituaries containing two keywords: WISER and COFFEE. Both names prominent in my ancestry. Run either name through a database and you're likely to come up with thousands of hits. And very often you are not allowed to narrow the selection to "exact" or a specific search.

Hence coffee ads, articles mentioning ladies' groups having coffees, sentences of "none the wiser" -- all these clutter my searches. 

I am envious of researchers with obscure unusual names in their family tree.

Thanks for listening to my mini-rant. Now back to my 1904 Versailles, Missouri newspaper search for John Coffee.

3 responses
You got THAT right. My hair-pulling surnames to research are my Blacks, Williams, Johnsons and Carters. Genealogy Bank is easier to search papers but at a price.
That sounds miserable. Eye strain!
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