I Lost My Family History Assistant

You know how you're knee deep in records--both offline and on? Multiple windows fill your screen. You're happily digging for some proof that your ancestor existed outside of the 1850 U.S. Census Non-Population schedule (which indicates he owned three horses, no oxen, but 100 cattle)? 

Suddenly you're jerked back into the present as your feline assistant jumps up on the keyboard, pushing his forehead against yours. His whiskers tickling your face as gives you That Earnest Look. 

He doesn't want food. He wants your attention. He knows you need a break from the screen. He suggests a good nap.

Archie had a long long life. It ended peacefully on September 25th. Did you know he was named after my 2xGreat-Uncle Archey Wilhelm who died of disease soon after an early release from service during the Civil War? I hope Uncle Arch died at home, too.