Christa Stalcup's Autosomal Chart For Ancestry Users

The DNA Detectives Facebook group has a fun calculator for those who've shared their autosomal raw data to one of the leading genealogy/genetic companies and now receive notifications of shared chromosomes with strangers. A few thousand new cousins, that is. 

This is a handy guide unless your family suffers from endogamy.

I use"suffer" because cousins marrying cousins can only complicate your quest to determine kinship with one of your GGG-Grandparents' descendants.

Aye, there's the rub.

You May Be A Part Of The Two Percent

I just re-read this article from last year. Have you seen it? 

        Most White Americans' DNA Can Be Identified Through Genealogy Databases  

The team found that a DNA sample from an American of Northern European heritage could be tracked successfully to a third-cousin distance of its owner in 60 percent of cases. A comparable analysis on the MyHeritage site had similar results.The analysis focused on Americans of North European background because 75 percent of the users on GEDmatch and other genealogy sites belong to that demographic. To identify an individual of any ancestral background, all that is needed is a database containing two percent of the target population, according to Dr. Erlich.

-- By Heather Murphy, New York Times, published Oct. 11, 2018.