For Holly

You asked if I had photos of your 2xGGrandmother Henrietta Flaiz. I have passport photos of Francis and Bessie--separate and together, but none of Henrietta.

I know you've seen the group photo below of Francis Detamore's family with step-mom/aunt Bessie. But passports and marriage documents? Here's what I have in my gedcom on your recent ancestors. Why? Well, I knew Fordyce and "Grammy" having seen them several times as a kid. So I added their families to my tree. How I wish I remembered more of what my Aunt Gwen told about her "grands" and their travels! 

In the bottom left corner see Charles and Jennie's marriage license. Click once to enlarge, click once again to return to this page:

As a reminder of their birth dates:

See three images within this gallery concerning your 3xGGrandfather Flaiz:

Travel documents are terrific for researchers in that they help confirm questions of birth locations, full legal names, and dates. Exact dates! Love those dates. See Jennie and Charles Flaiz' data at the top of both these two pages:

And papers about Jennie Belle (Elder) Flaiz.

And now for Francis Detamore and Henrietta Flaiz:

And, here's a couple of items regarding Bessie Flaiz. Please read the paragraph entitled "Wedding Bells."

More passports:

100+ years ago your ancestors really saw the world!