Spoiler: This Ends Well For Two Of Three

          My paternal 1st cousin 3x removed, Ben Ackley, gave a lady a ride. But what a harrowing time it became for this young couple after a child was killed:  

--  From The Daily Ardmoreite newspaper, Ardmore, Oklahoma, published May 21, 1922, p. 1.

           Ackley, a World War I veteran, was a barber in the nearby community of Keystone where many of my dad's family lived. Young Ben would later marry in November of that year. 

          The other headlines? Terrorists, lynchings, posses chasing prisoners. Good grief! When next you hear "Let's bring back the good old days," DO suggest to said feeb that they read an online newspaper archive. 

          This from the May 21, 1922 edition of The Abilene Reporter, Abilene, Texas, p. 5.

--  The Morning Tulsa Daily World, May 24, 1922, at p. 8.

          Both morning and evening papers carried this story. Do you recall a time when your town had twice-daily paper delivery? 

          Below is the article from page 13 of The Morning Tulsa Daily World, May 27, 1922. And yes, I enjoy the articles surrounding the cause célèbre, too.

          Finally, the case was DISMISSED. The May 28, 1922 edition of The Tulsa Daily World, p. 3 has:

          Poor little Thelma had lost her life. Rest in peace, dear.