Thank you, Chautauqua County - PART TWO

Update to previous post earlier this month. A kind Kansas researcher sent me the requested 1903 Kansas Marriage Affidavit and License of Elbert Wantland (spelled WAUTLAND) and his young bride, Alice Oakley. Again, THANK YOU volunteers for Chautauqua County!

A couple of things: the clerk or minister who filled out this document seems to vary the spelling of Elbert. Twice my eyes read Albert--instead of Elbert. And I don't recall seeing this particular language in old marriage records before: 
...the said Albert T. Wantland and Alice Oakley are not related to each other in the degrees prohibited by law, to wit: Parent and child, grandparent and grandchild of any degree, brother and sister of either of the one-half or of the whole blood, uncle and niece aunt and nephew, nor first cousins...